我简直不敢相信我离开牛博已经一年多了. 我每天都在想这件事,有时不得不提醒自己这不是一场梦. 语言无法描述牛轭对我的生活有多大的改变. My family and I are so incredibly thankful for everything Oxbow has done for me as a person and as an artist. I am currently attending The University of New Mexico and am looking into double majoring in Psychology and Biology (with a possible Art Minor!我的第一学期很顺利,一周前我才开始第二学期. I have been very fortunate to stay in contact with my Oxbow classmates and visited one of them in New York this past summer, 去年秋天,我去了旧金山. 令人欣慰的是,他们仍然在我的生活中有如此强烈的存在, because unless you have experienced Oxbow you will never truly know the magic that goes on at that amazing school!


Our daughter graduated summa cum laude from NYU with a double major in Studio Art and Art History. 她现在为Calvin Klein工作. She is contemplating getting a law degree and pursuing a career repatriating art objects. She still keeps in touch with several of her Oxbow classmates and they have regular reunions in Manhattan... I would say that Oxbow was the best semester that any of my four children spent in their cumulative 16 years of high school. 我们的女儿是最合适的孩子,为了合适的孩子你做得很好. 你改变了她的生活. 谢谢你!.


毫无疑问,牛轭是我高中生活中最美好的部分. 离开一年后, 我仍然觉得我坐在草坪上就像昨天一样, 在食堂吃饭, 和我的朋友在演播室里大笑.


我可以由衷地说,Oxbow真的改变了我的生活. In just one semester I saw a development in myself that I never thought could be possible. The creative and supportive atmosphere that they have created here is something that I know I will never find again because it is so unique. The school aspect of it was so much more enjoyable and exciting then traditional schooling is. 牛轭在学科之间架起桥梁,在生活的各个方面之间建立联系. 我建立了关系,建立了将持续一生的关系. 如果你有这个机会,就抓住它! I have no doubt that this experience has pushed me above my peers and has shown me what a life of art will be like. OS31永远!


当我们的女儿入住时, 她充满热情, 故事, 还有令人愉悦的汇报. 作为一名艺术家,她是在冒真正的风险, experimenting with techniques and mediums outside her natural talents and comfort zone. 她在学术研究上进步了很多, discovering she is capable of learning more and contributing meaningfully in the small group, 以讨论为基础的课程. She recently told me she has never enjoyed learning more in her entire life - and this was in reference to reading and research related to an upcoming project. She is learning how to claim her own "voice" among her peers and she genuinely respects her teachers and the lessons they are bringing to her. Her environmental and corporate ethics studies have ignited a passion to "be the change she wants to see in the world." Most recently she calls with information about Colleges and what kind of experience they might offer her. She seems to understand now more than ever that she gets to design her life from here on out - and that her choices and efforts related to what will come next for her can "extend" the "Oxbow Experience." Rick and I had high expectations and hopes for what our daughter would get from Oxbow - and these have all been exceeded.

莱斯利 & 里克DePol

我想感谢你们所有人的支持和支持, 谢谢你运行这个不可思议的项目. 我被罗德岛设计学院录取的一半原因是Oxbow. (特别感谢给我写推荐信的克里斯, 感谢修改我论文的詹妮弗, 感谢帮助我完成作品集的皇冠平台登录团队.


I'm writing to let you know the good 新s that my son has been accepted at his Number One choice for college, 纽约大学蒂施本科电影项目. 大家都知道, he decided at the end of September to apply only to schools that offered an undergraduate film major, 重点关注那些更重视电影制作而不是学术电影研究的人. He also sought out colleges with a solid core curriculum in the Humanities rather than more specialized art schools. 最后,他申请了十所学校:纽约大学,南加州大学,加州大学洛杉矶分校,旧金山州立大学,美国大学. 得克萨斯州奥斯汀,锡拉丘兹,查普曼大学,B.U.伊萨卡学院和巴德学院.

在12月, 经过大学访问和大量的研究, and taking into account his six weeks' experience at the USC School of Cinematic Arts summer school, 他决定参加纽约大学的“提前决定II”, 因为他相信, 考虑到所有因素, Tisch为他提供了一个理想的项目:丰富的资源, 并强调动手制作电影, and a reputation for valuing high intellectual standards and artistic originality (vs. 以南加州大学为例的更商业化的行业项目).

好消息是他被Tisch录取了! 他欣喜若狂,我和他妈妈也是.

The creative and intellectual guidance and support you gave to him was clearly formative and catalytic, 他一直认为你是一位伟大的导师, 一个真正改变了他生活的人. 他永远不会忘记你,以及你给他的一切. 谢谢你!.

我们儿子在Oxbow的整个经历都是革命性的, 你和学校对他的人生产生了巨大的影响. 这是他高中生活的转折点, 回到帕克学院后,他成为了一个更坚强的学生和人. I've said this before -- but his acceptance at NYU is a tangible proof that what he and we have believed since he returned is a fact.


嘿伙计们! OS33校友在这里! I received a full ride to California College of the Arts and just wanted to tell you guys that if it wasn't for the Oxbow experience and the great faculty who saw the potential in me I wouldn't have gotten as far as I did. I am still waiting for other colleges at the moment but I think this might be the school I will attend this fall!


在我的一生中,我一直认为自己是一个艺术家和创造性的思想家. I have recognized the importance of having art and creative thought as an integral part of my learning environment, 我的老师和我的同龄人分享. 2011年秋天,我在牛轭学校的经历巩固了我对她的认识. 我从来没有像现在这样充满好奇心, 创造力, 以及对我所学的每一门学科的热爱. Being a part of such a creative educational community allowed my imagination the space to explore the endless possibilities of creation. I was challenged and motivated by my teachers and peers on a daily basis to think outside the box and work hard, 这种努力得到了不可估量的回报.


牛轭学校在当地和全国都享有卓越的声誉. 牛轭培养出伟大的艺术家. 在工作室里, these emerging artists have a community of creative peers who respect one another and foster an expectation to produce thoughtful, 复杂的工作.

Vice Provost and Dean of Community Engagement, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago